Menopause, perimenopause, and treatment

There is a lot of conflicting and rabbit-hole information out there as to what menopause is, and how it can affect women and their physical and emotional health. Here is your definitive guide, and how we, your Gynaecologists at Womankind Health, can assist you with respect, kindness, and understanding on this journey.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is defined as the last menstrual period when your ovaries have ceased releasing eggs. This can only be definitively diagnosed when you have been 12 months without a period, as during the time prior, your periods can be quite irregular. The average age of menopause for Australian women is 52. This may occur earlier for some women, because of premature menopause, ovarian surgery, or treatment for cancer. Menopause is ‘early’ when it occurs before the age of 45.

Perimenopause and subsequently menopause can be managed, and you will be supported by our caring and compassionate woman-centered team of gynaecologists in Adelaide.

What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause before your periods stop. Your cycle may become irregular, either shorter or longer. Your menstrual flow may also change, becoming heavier or lighter. Symptoms may include hot flushes and night sweats, aches and pains, fatigue or irritability, sleep disturbances as well as premenstrual symptoms such as sore breasts. These changes may be caused by fluctuations in the production of hormones from the ovary.

About 60% of women will experience mild menopausal symptoms for 5-10 years before their final menstrual period. For some women, these symptoms can last even longer. There is no way to predict the age at which a woman’s menopausal symptoms will start, or how long they will last. Twenty percent of women will experience severe symptoms.

What treatment is available?

There are safe and effective treatments for these symptoms. What treatment options are suitable for you will depend on your other health concerns, what your symptoms are, and your preference for natural and complementary therapies, hormonal and non-hormonal medications.

Some treatments include

·      Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

·      Venlafaxine

·      Vaginal oestrogen cream

During your appointment here at Womankind Health, we will discuss your menstrual pattern, when it stopped, whether you have had any further bleeding after this, your symptoms of concern, and any other health issues. We will ask about your family history if you know it. An up-to-date list of medications is also helpful when we are formulating a treatment plan with you.

We look forward to meeting with you and caring for you during your perimenopause and menopause.

The following are also helpful resources:


Mirena insertion - everything you need to know