Your First Appointment
Prior to your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a new patient booking form as well as to review and sign our privacy information and consent form. Please arrive five minutes before your first appointment if you have not completed these ahead of time. You can bring these forms with you, or email them to us at hello@womankindhealth.com.au
To be eligible for Medicare rebates, you will require a referral. The team is happy to see you regardless of your insurance status. Referrals from your GP last for 12 months, and only 3 months from specialists.
Parking is limited on-site. We recommend you allow additional time to find parking nearby. Strict 2-hour parking is available on surrounding streets and some disabled parking spaces are available on-site.
If you are unwell on the day of your appointment or procedure, please stay home and ring us for advice or to reschedule.
Please bring your referral if we do not already have a copy of this, your Medicare card, and details of your private health insurance.
If you are attending for an in-room procedure such as an intra-uterine device, please bring this item with you on the day.
If you are unable to attend or are running late, please let our practice staff know as soon as possible and we will endeavour to reschedule or adjust your appointment time for convenience.
We recommend the first visit between 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. One of our midwifery team will usually contact you following your referral or first contact and discuss any questions that you might have and plan your first visit.
During this visit, your health history will be explored. A discussion about screening options for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities is best suited at this time to make all your options available to you.
Recommended routine screening in pregnancy includes:
- Urine test for bacteria or signs of infection
- Blood tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, rubella & syphilis, assessment of your blood group and antibody status, and a full blood count.
If your GP has arranged any blood tests, urine tests, or ultrasounds prior to your appointment, please ensure you bring these requests and/or results along, or have them forwarded in advance.
If you are unable to attend or are running late, please let our practice staff know as soon as possible and we will endeavour to reschedule or adjust your appointment time for convenience.
Antenatal Care
The physical and psychological care of your growing family is incredibly important. Antenatal care aims to ensure the health and safety of you and your baby, and is important in preparing for your labour, birth, and your readiness for taking your baby home.
The equally important aspect of the antenatal period is to establish and foster a supportive and trusting relationship between your family, your Doctor, and other allied healthcare professionals.
We are excited to be sharing this adventure with you!
We value the relationships we have with our patients and always do our best to provide the best quality care possible, but we have learned, especially after COVID and its impacts, that sometimes we need back up to provide you with the best quality of care.
This is why we – Dr Sarah Cash, Dr Adele Crowley, and Dr Jordana Scharnberg – work in a team, in a collaborative manner. Each Obstetrician will provide you with continuity of care for your pregnancy, birth, and post-natal care, but in the event that they cannot attend (another birth, other duties at another location, illness or planned leave), you can be certain that our back up practises with the same care, expertise and kindness you have come to expect from your primary Obstetrician.
Links and Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my partner come along too?
Yes! We welcome birth support partners, family members or friends at your appointments. If you invite a support person to your appointment, please be aware some personal, or confidential matters may be discussed. Please let your Doctor know if there are things you would like to discuss in private.
Please attend with a mask, however, you will be provided with one should you forget yours.
Do you see non-English speaking clients?
Our Doctors are not fluent in other languages but we are happy to arrange an interpreter for your appointment. Please let us know in advance if you feel more comfortable with an interpreter. We recommend an interpreting service rather than a friend or family member, where possible.
What is your Fee Schedule?
We are happy to discuss our fees and their inclusions with you as required either in person or over the phone. Below however is a summary.
An out-of-pocket fee is associated with the first booking visit. This covers the additional time taken for a comprehensive consultation before beginning your pregnancy planning.
At 28 weeks you will be required to pay a 'planning and management of pregnancy' out-of-pocket fee. This fee covers ALL your out-of-pocket fees for antenatal, birthing, and postnatal care
An out-of-pocket fee is associated with the first visit and subsequent follow-up consultations. Private health insurance does not contribute towards the cost of your in-room consultations.
Our team will inform you of the out-of-pocket fee for your gynaecology consultation and for any anticipated in-room procedures before your appointment.
The fee for surgery is dependent on your operation type and complexity. You will receive full financial information before your operation.
Do you participate in ‘No’- or ‘Known’- Gap arrangements?
We do engage in these arrangements, but they vary with some Health Funds and the types of procedures. If this is a concern, please contact our team.
What is your wait time for appointments?
Wait times can vary based on the clinical urgency and triage of our patients. We seek to ensure you are seen in a timely fashion and will triage your care once we have received your GP referral.