Safety and Quality of Care
We prioritise offering you the best and safest obstetric care in Adelaide. Many well conducted studies recognise the impact of fatigue on performance and safety. We also recognise that the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology is one of the highest demand, and at-risk specialties for physician fatigue. We choose to prioritise your safety by our group on-call safety management system and shared responsibility.
As a Womankind client, you will have access to our specialist obstetricians 24 hours a day throughout your pregnancy and up until your six-week postnatal visit.
You primary obstetrician will lead your care and will prioritise attending to your needs. We also provide you with the opportunity to meet all the Womankind obstetricians during your pregnancy.
Mid-week, to balance our duties within the public hospitals of Adelaide, we provide mutual cover to each member of the group. This allows equitable access and uncompromised care to patients who needs to have care provided by the public hospital network of Adelaide.
Should we be unable to attend, one of the like-minded members of the group will be available for emergency cover.
The roster will be published as much in advance as possible to guide your expectations of care.

Dr Cash is on planned leave
Dr Cash is participating in a teaching trip away. Cover will be provided by Dr Jordana and Dr Adele

Dr Jordana Scharnberg is away on planned leave
Dr Scharnberg is unavailable on planned leave. Dr Cash and Dr Scharnberg are teaching at Sanglah Hospital. Dr Crowley will be providing cover. Your planned appointments will be notified in advance. Any emergencies will be attended to by Dr Crowley

Dr Cash is on planned leave
Dr Cash will be on leave to see her family in Queensland. Cover will be provided by Dr Adele and Dr Jordana.

External Cover: Dr Mandana Master
Dr Mandana Master from Burnside O&G will be providing emergency cover for the team who are joining together for their Staff Christmas Party

Dr Sarah is away on Conference Leave
Dr Sarah is attending the World Congress on Menopause which will focus on a diverse range of the latest advancements in the field of Women’s Health. Dr Crowley and Dr Scharnberg will provide cover for this time.

Dr Adele Crowley is on call
Dr Adele Crowley is on call for the practice this weekend and will see any mothers and babies who are in hospital on the ward round.

Dr Cash is your back up this weekend for any unexpected emergencies or spontaneous labour.
Dr Cash is on call for the practice

Dr Jordana Scharnberg is on call for the practice this weekend
Dr Scharnberg is on call

External Emergency Cover: Dr Karen Chandler is on call
Dr Karen Chandler from Burnside O&G will provide emergency cover for the group